Wednesday, 2 December 2015

๐Ÿบ TGT GAMER ๐Ÿฏ - Who am I?

Information about TGT Gamer

Who am I 
My name is Jonathan S, 16 Years of age (16Y @ June 2015) and have been playing games since the PlayStation. Now with my gaming PC I am playing more games than ever...

Relationship Status


Theme Tune

What consoles / gaming platforms do you own?

- Gaming Desktop
- Laptop (Fairly ok)
- Xbox 360
- Xbox one
- Nintendo Wii
- Nintendo Wii U
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo 3DS
- PlayStation 2 (Sold as I wasn't using it)
- PlayStation (Sold as I wasn't using it)

Favourite games?
- Euro Truck Simulator 2
- TitanFall
- DirtyBomb
- GTA 5

Other online profiles?
Skype: s7onathan
Steam: ☣ ₮ษข₮ วฅฮฑแƒั”แนŸ ☣
H&G: TGT_Gamer
Xbox: NHEP N00bHuner
Twitch: TheGameTesters_TGTGamer
F4L: Jackal Skywere
Youtube: TGT Gamer (Inactive currently)
Origin: N00bHunterPro
Curse: TGT_Gamer
Team Viewer: TGT Gamer
WOT: TGT Gamer
PlanetSide 2: TGT Gamer TGT_Gamer TGT_Gamer
UKFur: Jackal Skywere Jackal_Skywere
Snapchat: TGTGamer
Instagram: TGTGamer
Tumblr: sjonathanjs

Friendship Tiers
Tier 7 - Loved Ones [Family, Boy Friends]
Tier 6 - Best Friends [Very few make it here]
Tier 5 - Good Friends [Most likely know you in person]
Tier 4 - Friends [Doing well, at least I recognise your existence]
Tier 3 - Acquaintances (Gotta be at least here to make my FL)
Tier 2 - Neutral (To bad, not quite there yet)
Tier 1 - Dislike
Tier 0 - Mortal Enemies

Honorary Lists

(Most people are only allowed to be on a single list)

 Honorary Steam Friends

(In order of most important to me)
- Panley01 [Being my best friend]
- BADMANJAMES09 [An Amazing Person]
- Fiddle [Someone who is always there for you]
- Hyperion [An Amazing person]
- Unclepenguin [Being my Second best friend]
- Hoverboy_ [Deserves to be on here for going out with my sister]

Honorary Skype Friends

(In order of most important to me)
- Sam C [ Being my best friend]
- Leah C [Being my best friend]
- Callum B [A great friend]
- Becky H [someone I look up to]
- Jake W [That amazing one which seams to always fix everything...]
- Jamie H [That annoying one you can't get rid off]

Honorary F4L Friends
- Noxira [Always kind and helpful]

Other Honorary Friends
- nicolai0007
- Alexis Thomas (My Artist friend)

Topics Currently hot (Stuff I’m talking about)
- Cute Boys
- Loved Ones
- Dirty Bomb
- GTA 5 Mods
- GTA 5 - How to become a member of TheIr0nW0lves and become an animal in game
- F4L (Only if you know what it is)
- New Games Coming Out
- Being Gay
- All Role Play
- Arma 3
- Battlefield
- Battlefront
- Minecraft

๐Ÿบ TGT GAMER ๐Ÿฏ - Role Play Characters - Jackal Skywere - Real Jonathan S

Character Index:

Jackal Skywere - Real Jonathan S
Jackal Skywere - Role play version
The Dwarf
Jake *Ace* Makebone
Captain A.C. FireWrath

Jackal skywere - The Real Jonathan S fersona

[Please note, this fersona is based on the real Jonathan S]

"This boy has a large ego which hides the pain and suffering which happens underneth"

Name: Jackal Skywere
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Dog -  Husky
Alternative Names: Jack
State of Origin: England, northamptonshire
Height: 6'1"
Age: 16
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: green/grey
Skin Color: Pale
Notable Features: 
Health Concerns: Low metabolism

Psychological information

Mental State: unstable (effected by events around him)

Favorite M. Genre: Electric Dance Music
Favorite Song: (

Motto: "I am here to help, so let me help"
Psychological Concerns: Can be effected by the events going on around him due to being bullied at school
Habits: Cowardly, naive, Obsessed with Technology, 
Phobias: No phobias have been discoverer as of yet.



Understanding emotion
Understanding body language
Product design
Using experiences to help others
Team work

Miscellaneous info.

Previous Occupation: Student
Favorite Item(s): Mobile phone, Computer, Snowman cuddly toy from childhood, Bear from childhood, 
Current Outfit(s): 
Nightwear: Often will sleep with just underwear on, however when he can, sleeps in onesie.
Collage uniform: Black trousers with black top and steel capped boots
Casual: Jeans with either colored top or white top with pattern on it
Smart Casual: Jeans with checkered shirt and blazor.
Smart: Full black suit.


Sexuality: Gay | Homosexual

((Love Interest||Crush||Family||Close Friend||Friend||Unsure||Acquaintance||Disliked||Despised||Enemy))

[This section needs confirming with friends to check rp character names. If you want to Join this list, please message me]



Further information:

How to bring a character into a role play with this character: 
Role playing  with this character is easy for me. Its the closest to my real life experiences and therefore i know exactly how this character would react around different situations. The best way to bring a character into this situation, you should bring them in through meeting on the bus or through an interaction at collage. This allows us both to interact in a realistic manor.

Current education level: Jackal has past his GCSE's with fairly good results. He has now chosen to go into a collage and study production arts. This is a course in which he is learning stage management, design, operation and much more.

Current Job: Jackal is waiting for a response from his local horse racing track about a front of house position

Backstory: Born in 1999, Jackal has had some rough times with his family. As a young child he was punished severely when he made mistakes, at home and at primary school. 

School life was tough for him, he has been known to come out of classes crying or every upset due to bullying which happened. The first time this happened was within his three years at school. Leaving a gym lesson in tears because of the cruelty of other students. Jackal's parents acted on this and immediately forced the school to sort out the behavior of the children involved. Believing that the school was still competent at solving issues, Jackal continued on at the same place. Over the next few years Jackal began to enjoy the company of people around him. 

Sadly this did not last. In Jackal's fourth year at this school, the bulling recommenced. Sadly the new teaching staff where not able to stop this from continuing, causing a vast amount of anger and aggression to grow within Jackal. After a single year of pain and suffering, Jackal had hit a point where he didn't know how to socially interact with people around him anymore. He choose to isolate himself and was in a severe state of depression. He would often be found in the mornings, wishing that he could just run away and not go to school and often would be one of the first people to want to leave the school premises. Often in the evenings he would be found sat on the windowsill, looking out to the stars, wandering why he existed, and sadly, often contemplating the easiest way to end his own life. On days where he was feeling the most depressed, he would tell his parents that he was feeling ill. This would allow him a day to recover from the stress of school life without being verbally assaulted. 

The pure anger within him was no longer containable and he began to take it out on people around him both at school and at home, This caused him to get into more trouble and therefore leading to further depression. Being isolated from classes and told to stay in his room for hours on end.

As this continuous cycle recked Jackal's friendships, a single teacher began to notice the problem. This teacher begins to talk to Jackal and his family to help them understand the issue. This allows Jackal a place where he feels safe, he agrees to take part in a couple of after school programs and begins to build his confidence about his sport and academic abilities. The teacher tries everything to help Jackal get back on track with learning. Sadly, at the end of the academic year, this teacher leaves, but not without first stopping the bullying...

While Jackals school life was going badly, home life had broken down. Financial security no longer existed, parents were broke and struggling to find new jobs with sufficient pay. His fathers shop went out of business as new branches of large companies took over the market. Leaving a large whole in the families bank accounts. Struggling to find the money to keep everyone feed, Jackal's family asks the local church for help until they can cope by themselves. 

This changed the way which Jackal looked at food and life in general.

Drawing of Character
Drawing of Jackal Skywere, Copyight Jonathan Stevens 2015
Even though the bullying had stopped, Jackal still isolated himself. Still lacking social skills, he would accidentally take anger out on people around him. His safe place gone, he began to build an amazing relationship with a kid from the years above him. This child would meet him each week and play board games and warhammer with Jackal. Between this and weekly preying at the local Community church, Jackal slowly became better at interacting with people.

At the end of primary school, Jackal wanted to get as far away from the people he knew as possible. He looked at the schools in the nearby towns and found one located 30 minutes away from home which he really liked. Jackal began at his new school in 2010. 

Jackal soon met a boy from school who excepted him. They would travel around together and quickly became good friends. slowly learning his social skills again, Jackal became friends with more people in his year. However quickly noticed something he didn't like. Once again, Jackal was being bullied by a boy from his class.

Now with the confidence from his previous experience, he identified the reason behind the bullying and consulted a teacher. Within a matter of weeks, the bullying stopped. However this didn't stop the standard everyday meanness which happened within class. Soon Jackal's anger was building up again, this time though, it was release through a new habit. Gaming. 

Gaming was the single way which Jackal found to release his anger and emotions without harming anyone or thing around him, even though it was still seen as an obsession to the people around him, jackal began to become less violent in lessons, better behaved and more controlled. Without too many problems, a full year disappeared.

Now in year 8. The event which changed Jackal's outlook on life happened. A boy moved schools and joined Jackal's class. Not knowing it at the time, Jackal fell instantly in love with this boy. Jackal became obsessed with being around this boy, both in and out outside lessons. Even though Jackal didn't realize it for another whole year, this boy began to teach him the social skills which he was struggling to learn. Thanks to the actions of this boy and the social skills he had learned, Jackal began to create a social group which would stay with him till he finished his GCSE's and some would continue to contact him for even longer.

With this new social group, Jackal felt amazing heading into Year 9 and beginning his GCSE's, However the classes all changed. And once again, Jackal was bullied by a single group of people. Sadly these people would not listen to the teachers and only cared about there own amusement. This soon became a problem, once again effecting the mental stability of Jackal during his final three years at school. As these three years passed, the maturity began to set in, and slowly the abuse stopped. 

During Year 10 and 11 Jackal lost two very important people to cancer, he struggled to come to terms with what was going on around him and was feeling really down. People would often tell him be happier or ask him whats up. however you can not understand the emotions building up within Jackal. He had to go through the horror of seeing his god father perish slowly, and the horror of not making it to hospital in time to talk to his granddad before he died...

Even though this was happening, Jackal enjoyed his time at school thanks to his best friends and support of all the staff around him. However, when it came to choosing a school or collage to study at for the following two years, there wasn't a hesitation of doubt that he wanted to go and study Production Arts at collage.

๐Ÿบ TGT GAMER ๐Ÿฏ - Role Play Characters - Captain A.C FireWrath

Character Index:

Jackal Skywere - Real Jonathan S
Jackal Skywere - Role play version
The Dwarf
Jake *Ace* Makebone
Captain A.C. FireWrath

Captain A.C FireWrath

Name: Captain A.C FireWrath
Gender: Male
Race/Species: DragonBorn
Alternative Names: Captain, Abraham
State of Origin: N/A
Height: 6'2"
Age: 26
Hair Color: Pastel Rose hair
Eye Color: Gray
Skin Color: Dark
Notable Features: Very Muscular
Health Concerns: Badly healed battle wounds are likely to open again

Psychological information

Mental State:

Favorite M. Genre: EDM
Favorite Song: DragonBorn (
Motto: "Only need one muscle to attract a someone, Luckily I have many"
Psychological Concerns:
Habits: Going to the Gym, Working out,
Phobias: Astraphobia 



Miscellaneous info.

Previous Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Favorite Item(s): Special knife worth Trillions of earth money
Current Weapon(s): Knife, Sword, Bow and arrow, special shooty thing
Current Armour(s): Dragon Scales
Current Outfit(s): wearing old-fashioned clothing


Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

((Love Interest||Crush||Family||Close Friend||Friend||Unsure||Acquaintance||Disliked||Despised||Enemy))

Further information:

๐Ÿบ TGT GAMER ๐Ÿฏ - Role Play Characters - Jake *Ace* Makebone

Character Index:

Jackal Skywere - Real Jonathan S
Jackal Skywere - Role play version
The Dwarf
Jake *Ace* Makebone
Captain A.C. FireWrath

Jake *Ace* Makebone

Name: Jake Makebone
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Human
Alternative Names: Ace
State of Origin: London, United Kingdom
Height: 5'1"
Age: 15
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Notable Features: freckles
Health Concerns: Slightly Round

Psychological information

Mental State: Unstable

Favorite M. Genre: Rap
Favorite Song: NWA Fuck the police (

Motto: "The Law is loosing..."
Psychological Concerns: Bad childhood caused trust issues and the hate of law enforcement
Habits: Spending money, Stealing, Par-core,
Phobias: Law Enforcement, Being Left Alone



Being Polite

Miscellaneous info.

Previous Occupation: N/A
Favorite Item(s): Scrap book with pictures in it
Current Weapon(s): Pen knife
Current Armour(s): N/A
Current Outfit(s): Jeans, top and hoody


Sexuality: Straight

((Love Interest||Crush||Family||Close Friend||Friend||Unsure||Acquaintance||Disliked||Despised||Enemy))

Further information:


Once a Young innocent boy, Jake used to love playing with toy cars. He grow up living a life of luxury and wealth, cars, and love. But this all changed on the 27th June 2007, his life got turned upside down when a fatal car crash left him parent-less. With all the money locked away till he turned 18, Jake was forced to go into foster care.

Abused, beaten and used, Jake learned to hate the government and anything run by public services, including police, child care, and foster homes. He fell in with the "wrong crowd" and got into a life of law breaking. He began to learn the art of slight of hand, and stealing from local shops. As his experience grows, his reputation does also, "Ace, the master thief"...

Now at the age of 15 he is one of the best known thief's in the United Kingdom, stealing precious items from right under people noses. With a hunger to learn more about stealing, he searches on for his true partner.

๐Ÿบ TGT GAMER ๐Ÿฏ - Role Play Characters - The Dwarf

Character Index:

Jackal Skywere - Real Jonathan S
Jackal Skywere - Role play version
The Dwarf
Jake *Ace* Makebone
Captain A.C. FireWrath

[Dead Character] The Dwarf - Friendship Role Play Game 

"Once the best pilot in the universe, now a piece of dirt on my shoe"

Name: The Dwarf
Race/Species: Dwarf
Gender: Male
Alternative Names: That One
State of Origin: Somewhere / Unknown
Height: 3'2"
Age: 30
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Color: White
Notable Features:
Health Concerns: Drunk, Can't stop eating when scared

Psychological information

Mental State: schizophrenic

Favorite M. Genre: N/A
Favorite Song: N/A
Motto: "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Oooo, food"
Psychological Concerns: Self-absorbed
Habits: Drinking
Phobias: Anglophobia, Autophobia, Barophobic, Demonophobia, Xenophobia, Claustrophobia, Acrophobia, Erotophobia, Cometophobia, Genophobia, Tetraphobia, Tetraphobia, Virginitiphobia


First Aid
Fixing shit

Miscellaneous info.

Previous Occupation: Pilot For Dwarf Intergalactic fleet
Favorite Item(s): Food
Current Weapon(s): Fist
Current Armour(s): Some stupidly strong armour from the Dwarf King
Current Outfit(s): Dwarf Armour


Sexuality: Unknown

((Love Interest||Crush||Family||Close Friend||Friend||Unsure||Acquaintance||Disliked||Despised||Enemy))

Further information:


Was found floating in space near a new dwarf spaceship (one of the best in the universe) after abandoning it when he could not find the off switch for the gravity generator. The others in the party have been with him for about a year, give or take. In this time he has almost killed everyone twice and has crash landed the dwarf spaceship once (because that stupid robot turned on the gravity in an attempt to kill everyone). He has found the best objects and hiding spaces anyone has ever seen but can cause problems. The other members in the group know that he is schizophrenic and understand that he has a stupidly long list of fears but don't know why he has these or what happened in his child hood!

Secret Aim
Go back to the dwarf planet and blow up the city which he was abused as a child in. (near earth, one 'wrong' turn away)

How did this character die
The death of the dwarf was a tragic one, he was thrown of a cliff by some massive robotic thing, on low health somehow the dwarf survived... sadly, when he tried to join back into the fight, a "team mate" beat him up and finally killed him... (Many attempts had been made)

Most memorable moment while playing with this character
Well, sadly I can't post the most memorable (NSFW), but my second most memorable thing is that, every time that I went anywhere with this character, he would either kill someone, or someone would attempt to kill him...

And I can't forget to mention, The bath tub. The Dwarf and one of the crew kept ending up in the bath tub together often engaging in some sexual activities thanks to our amazing RP Master...

Are you willing to play as this character again?

Yes. This character is great fun to play as and I would love to play as him again.